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Username Post: So,,,
Masters Student
Posts: 806

Age: 52
Reg: 05-19-16
03-23-24 01:32 AM - Post#366191    
    In response to flinder

He had players. He's not a bad guy, just not a good coach. He can be good with the Xs & Os, but that isn't enough. He doesn't connect with his players.

You can get guys to come to Hanover with the right coach. As they say, winning solves a lot of problems, unfortunately, he's not winning. We are about to enter a vicious cycle where because of the record and coach the quality of recruits will sink further, which begets more losing. Anyway, it's time to change up—seven years and not a single .500 season. If I'm on the staff I'm getting ahead of the curve and polishing my CV.
"...no excuses - only results!”

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