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Username Post: CHAMPIONS!!!!!!
Posts: 90

Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-06-12 04:19 PM - Post#124520    
    In response to jdp 94

  • Quote:
With NCAA berth, Loyola University preps for merchandise rush

Since the game ended, seven pre-orders were placed online for shirts, Wood said. An additional 23 basketball-related items sold overnight, she said.
“Obviously this is a learning experience for us,” said Wood, noting that this is a larger event for the school than orientation, graduation fairs, parents weekend and reunion weekend. “But we’re excited and we’ll take it.”

That is unbelievable. Yes it's bigger than orientation and other events. No clue.

It would be sweet to be able to buy replica UA jersey or shorts, but that will probably never happen.

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