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Username Post: CHAMPIONS!!!!!!
jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-06-12 05:41 PM - Post#124543    
    In response to InYourHead

  • InYourHead Said:
  • jdp 94 Said:
  • LoCo2011 Said:
Students will be allowed on campus at noon on Sunday.

I cannot tell you what a buzz kill I had this morning to learn that this all happened during spring break.

I feel bad for the team and students. You've been robbed of the euphoria of the moment. Poor IYF, sitting there, watching the game with his mother!Even when we win, we lose!

Hey now, nothing wrong with watching the game with momma. I've watched my undergrad win a couple National Championships with her, and this was just as exciting. Loyola essentially won their National Championship last night.

Fair enough. I'll amend accordingly:

I feel bad for every student except IYH, for missing out on the once-in-a-lifetime college campus experience.
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