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Username Post: CHAMPIONS!!!!!!
jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-06-12 06:21 PM - Post#124548    
    In response to Bang Bang

  • Bang Bang Said:
It's great going around the Internet know and finding all this great stuff. The video of welcoming the team back to campus, all the articles we have, the post game interview, espn highlights.

Patsos on Scott van Pelt show this afternoon: http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=765 2646

Great listen. Never heard the story about what Prosser told Patsos when he took the job 8 years ago.

Damn it - why did Gillen have to take the Providence job!

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