Posts: 16
Age: 38
Reg: 04-08-10
03-06-12 12:42 AM - Post#124371
For all of you elderly folk, what was it like on campus back in '94? Obviously we're on Spring Break now but I am so excited to get back next week and feel the excitement.
I come from a big school with a rich basketball history, but honestly, I feel like next week at Loyola may top some of that (that may be a stretch, but still). But seriously, a small school, not expected to be dancing, we should be going nuts. What do I have to look forward to? Will the administration hold pep rallies, team send-offs, viewing parties, anything like that?
They tried to hype up the Women's NIT last year, so this should be 100 times that. For those that know, is this the biggest athletic moment in Loyola's history?
Posts: 399
Age: 36
Reg: 01-05-08
Re: So, 1994. What was it like? 03-06-12 12:47 AM - Post#124373
In response to InYourHead
I wasn't there for 1994... but I was there for Women's NIT.. and decent Loyola lax success..
Simply put, this should be the biggest moment ever in Loyola Athletics (college basketball is just so much more popular now than it was back then)
I will say a bunch of us (the guys I watched with) joked about going back to Craigs for the celebration but the students weren't on campus so it wouldn't have been worth it.
I'd like to think Loyola will try and coordinate some type of trip.. but if the game is in Phoenix or New Mexico (where I think 2/4 "first" round games take place) that that is just not likely.... The other two locations are Pittsburgh and Lousiville though, so I'd like to think that they would try to put something together. I know I used to work on the Superfans board and we would always try to hold some money aside in order to be able to fund whatever we needed to for a men's/women's NCAA trip to anywhere.. but I'm not sure what it's like now.
Either way, I'll be there, no matter where we are, and I hope to see some of these posters here as well. Still on cloud 9... such an incredible feeling right now, damn shame the students are on break for this, would've been fun to see the reaction as it seems the 1994 crew had quite the party when they made the tournament.
Posts: 16
Age: 38
Reg: 04-08-10
Re: So, 1994. What was it like? 03-06-12 12:54 AM - Post#124375
In response to LoCo2011
I wasn't there for 1994... but I was there for Women's NIT.. and decent Loyola lax success..
Simply put, this should be the biggest moment ever in Loyola Athletics (college basketball is just so much more popular now than it was back then)
I will say a bunch of us (the guys I watched with) joked about going back to Craigs for the celebration but the students weren't on campus so it wouldn't have been worth it.
I'd like to think Loyola will try and coordinate some type of trip.. but if the game is in Phoenix or New Mexico (where I think 2/4 "first" round games take place) that that is just not likely.... The other two locations are Pittsburgh and Lousiville though, so I'd like to think that they would try to put something together. I know I used to work on the Superfans board and we would always try to hold some money aside in order to be able to fund whatever we needed to for a men's/women's NCAA trip to anywhere.. but I'm not sure what it's like now.
Either way, I'll be there, no matter where we are, and I hope to see some of these posters here as well. Still on cloud 9... such an incredible feeling right now, damn shame the students are on break for this, would've been fun to see the reaction as it seems the 1994 crew had quite the party when they made the tournament.
Definitely agree with that. Would have loved to be on campus tonight....if I wouldn't have been the only one there. Instead I got to watch it with my mom (huge college basketball fan) and even she was going nuts. Hopefully the excitement carries over until the tourney starts (and I think it will with Selection Sunday being the day we get back).
I remember back in 08 when Davidson made the Sweet 16, they sent several busloads of students all the way from North Carolina to Detroit entirely for free (transportation, hotel, tickets, everything). When they won that game, they sent several more up for the Elite 8. Hopefully Loyola can arrange something like that. But even more importantly, hopefully there can be a central location viewing party on campus. Maybe they can set up a big projection in Reitz or something.
jdp 94
Masters Student
Posts: 870

Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
Re: So, 1994. What was it like? 03-06-12 08:23 AM - Post#124396
In response to InYourHead
Speaking for the elderly who were students in 1994, I hate to break the bad news, but it sounds like you missed the party.
I didn't realize you guys were on Spring Break. [face palm]
That's really a shame. I'm sorry to hear this.
Masters Student
Posts: 406

Age: 112
Loc: Atlanta
Reg: 07-19-06
03-06-12 09:45 AM - Post#124423
In response to jdp 94
fyi there are 8 first round sites. Five are east of the Mississippi.
Back in 94 they shipped us out to Sacramento, which was brutal. I am hoping they treat Loyola better this time, and very curious about ticket opportunities.
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Posts: 90
Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-06-12 11:23 AM - Post#124460
In response to Lou
The projected bracket had Loyola in Columbus.
Posts: 92
Reg: 02-24-11
03-06-12 01:01 PM - Post#124485
In response to Lou
Back in 94 they shipped us out to Sacramento, which was brutal. I am hoping they treat Loyola better this time, and very curious about ticket opportunities.
They claim geography comes into play nowadays, so one would suspect we'd be kept east of the Mississipi
Masters Student
Posts: 526

Reg: 02-08-07
03-06-12 03:48 PM - Post#124534
In response to WOFM
Jimmy said he wanted to go to Nashville. Im hoping more for Pittsbugh, just because its closer.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big |
Posts: 144
Reg: 07-24-06
03-08-12 12:49 PM - Post#125003
In response to loco09
I can't speak to what it was like on campus as I had graduated seven years earlier but I attended all three games in person with my wife in Albany.
What I remember about the q-final vs St Peter's was that Reese carried us. He was draining that flat jumper of his. His dunk on an outlet pass from Matt Gabriel sealed the deal and my wife and I were delerious. We had actually won a MAAC tourney game. I also remember Mike Frensley of St Peter's missing a wide open 15 footer from the right baseline at the buzzer at the end of regulation. Had he made that, 1994 would have been no different than any other season.
The semi-final vs Canisius was the best game Loyola ever played! Canisius had a 16 or 17 game winning streak and we blew them out. We had blown a big halftime lead to them at home in the reg season and the team learned from that. This big halftime lead did not melt away. My other memory from that day is that a friend of mine who lives in Albany went to the game with us and he kept commenting about this hot Canisius cheerleader. Well damn if she wasn't a table away from us at Denny's, where we went to eat after the game.
My wife and I were just happy that Loyola made the finals. We were getting blown out by Manhattan but it didn't matter because it had been a very good year. Then Tracey Bergan's four point play near halftime got us within striking distance. We noticed many open seats behind the Loyola bench from our upper deck seats so we moved down at halftime.
Most of the fans at the game were Siena fans and rooting for the Jaspers as they were afraid that a Loyola win would keep the Saints from getting an NIT bid. (they did get a bid and went to the NIT Final Four). We took the lead fairly early in the 2nd half and then it was back and forth. That 45 minutes that the 2nd half took felt like hours. With approx 5 seconds left and up by a point, Milt Williams rebounded Jamal Marshall's miss after the ball had to have touched the hands of five other players and he was fouled.
I happened to be sitting across the aisle from Joe Boylan who commented to no one in particular "if he makes both, we'll win". Damn if he wasn't right! Milt made two we stole the inbounds pass and scored and I was jumping and screaming like and genius. I'm not sure if I've ever been that excited over the outcome of a sporting event.
Sorry if I bored anyone with this long winded post but it is a weekend I'll never forget. I would encourage everyone who considers themselves a big fan of the program to make the trip to the NCAA's if the Hounds play anywhere within a 10 hour drive of your home. Who knows if this will ever happen again.
Posts: 300
Reg: 07-24-06
03-08-12 01:52 PM - Post#125012
In response to Scott
When Tracey took that 3, I remember everyone in the room on campus going "NOOOO....YESSSSSSS!!!!!" One of those bad shots that turns into a great one. The picture sitting on the rim at the end is another image I'll never forget.
Easily my favorite and most memorable sports moment ever.
jdp 94
Masters Student
Posts: 870

Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-08-12 02:12 PM - Post#125019
In response to Brian
I remember chain smoking in the Gardens A stairwell during commercials.
I also remember how the room changed during the game. People who never saw a game were watching with an intensity as if their life depended on the outcome.
And then Darius hit the 3. And Milt stole the ball. And complete chaos was unleashed.
Another highlight was the caravan to Gators. And everytime the highlights came on - everyone stopped and cheered the plays as if they were happening for the first time.
By far the most amazing night of my 4 years at everegreen.
Posts: 144
Reg: 07-24-06
03-08-12 05:53 PM - Post#125051
In response to jdp 94
Man how did I forget Darius's three? Then there was BJ kissing the trophy...they showed that every night as part of their Championship Week intro for the rest of the week on ESPN.
Posts: 300
Reg: 07-24-06
03-09-12 08:49 AM - Post#125097
In response to Scott
Man how did I forget Darius's three? Then there was BJ kissing the trophy...they showed that every night as part of their Championship Week intro for the rest of the week on ESPN.
I can't believe that is the first mention of BJ kissing the trophy. You are so right. That is another lasting image that really captured the moment.
Another thing that I really loved about that win - does anyone remember any significant footage of Skip Prosser in all the celebration? He was going to the dance in his first year ever as a head coach, but the celebration and spotlight was all about the kids. Great coach and a class act.