Posts: 25
Reg: 11-12-07
03-06-12 09:20 AM - Post#124413
It looks like they are organizing a welcome home to the MAAC champs on the quad today between 10:30 - 11:00 (whenever the bus gets there). The official Newshoud email annoucement has not yet gone out, but I'm told they are working on it.
Posts: 25
Reg: 11-12-07
03-06-12 09:46 AM - Post#124424
In response to Opie
Special Edition Newshound: Celebrate the MAAC Championship victory today on the quad.
Last night, the Greyhounds men’s basketball team capped off their historical season by winning the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC) championship game for the first time since 1994. Led by MAAC Coach of the Year Jimmy Patsos, the team played strong and overcame the Fairfield Stags with a final score of 48-44.
Help us welcome the Hounds back to campus today, Tuesday, March 6, at 11 a.m. on the Quad. Come out and celebrate the team’s victory, and wish them well as they head to the NCAA tournament!
Unleash the Hounds!
Posts: 25
Reg: 11-12-07
03-06-12 10:18 AM - Post#124430
In response to Opie
The time has been updated to 10:30 a.m. due to the bus arriving early.
Posts: 399
Age: 36
Reg: 01-05-08
03-06-12 10:25 AM - Post#124433
In response to Opie
With people at work such as myself and students on break, it really is unfortunate that they won't get the welcoming committee that they truly deserve.
I'm gonna try to sneak out at lunch, see if I can buy a championship shirt there or if they are only available online... and also try to sneak a look at that trophy.
Any that go, let us now what it was like.
Posts: 25
Reg: 11-12-07
03-06-12 11:45 AM - Post#124471
In response to LoCo2011
Athletics was at the circle in the quad, outside of Maryland hall, handing out SuperFans tee shirts and green pompoms. About 20 women Loyola studnets showed up - I think another sports team, but I'm not sure which. Eventually Jimmy Patsos (MAAC Coach of the Year) showed up in his green warm up, walked around the crowd shaking hands and hugging people. Eventually the bus showed up and the team came up from that street between Maryland Hall and the Career Center.
Seniors Shane Walker and J'haren Hall led the group up the steps, with Shane proudly carrying the gold trophy. It is a bright sunny day, and the sun was very bright reflecting off of the shiny trophy.
The team got up on the steps, and Jimmy said a few words, saying that the victory was for all the members of the Loyola community. They all did such a great job supporting this team. Then he called up Susan Donovan who always goes to the MAAC with her family, and she said this victory was won by the players being a team, and she ended her talk with "We're going to The Dance!"
Posts: 25
Reg: 11-12-07
03-06-12 01:51 PM - Post#124494
In response to Opie
Found some video from the team's welcome home.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8nwIseLoB0&a mp;fea...
If the link doesn't work, just search YouTube for "Welcome home Loyola Greyhounds, 2012 MAAC basketball champions "
Posts: 399
Age: 36
Reg: 01-05-08
03-06-12 02:07 PM - Post#124500
In response to Opie
More fans than I thought would make it out actually, nice to see.
This is never going to get old.
MAAC Champions, going dancing!
Masters Student
Posts: 526

Reg: 02-08-07
03-06-12 03:44 PM - Post#124530
In response to LoCo2011
Hopefully the students really come out and support the team on selection sunday. It gives me chills watching some of the highlights and videos knowing how bad we were before and how few of us really cared.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big |