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Username Post: New Era, New Message Board?        (Topic#13331)
jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-09-12 03:23 PM - Post#125154    

Given some of the complaints I've seen recently I thought I'd give a new board service a whirl.

Anyway, since we have high interest, this may be the time to make a move. I set something up at proboards as an experiment. If people like it, they can vote on it over there.

It seems to have all the functionality that a few have been complaining that we do not have over here.


Bang Bang 
Posts: 134

Reg: 01-03-07
03-09-12 03:31 PM - Post#125157    
    In response to jdp 94

I'm not given access to the 1st topic after I registered.

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-09-12 03:39 PM - Post#125158    
    In response to Bang Bang

Okay - I think i fixed it.

Posts: 90

Loc: Rhode Island
Reg: 11-27-06
03-09-12 04:23 PM - Post#125165    
    In response to jdp 94

I like the move to pro boards and it is a good time to move.

Masters Student
Posts: 526
Reg: 02-08-07
03-09-12 07:59 PM - Post#125184    
    In response to jdubs

I like proboards. That is what the MAAC board is on. It looks more modern, cleaner, and is more customizable. It is much easier to use for adding pictures or video as well. Also there is a proboards app for iphone and android too i believe.

jdp if you want another moderator if we move to the proboards site I would be willing to help. I know it doesnt need much upkeep though.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-09-12 08:08 PM - Post#125186    
    In response to loco09

You're hired.

Masters Student
Posts: 526
Reg: 02-08-07
03-09-12 09:22 PM - Post#125195    
    In response to jdp 94

It looks like most are preferring the new proboards site. I guess if we are moving everyone should go ahead and sign up over there. If you have any problems email or PM jdp or myself and eventually I guess we will get everybody over there.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big

Blanchard Manu 
Posts: 1

Age: 43
Reg: 03-10-12
03-10-12 09:52 AM - Post#125208    
    In response to loco09

I'd prefer to revert back to the late 90's maacdog message board.

Masters Student
Posts: 437

Reg: 07-21-06
03-10-12 10:43 AM - Post#125210    
    In response to Blanchard Manu

Oh the old voy board - big time reference!

Masters Student
Posts: 437

Reg: 07-21-06
03-10-12 10:52 AM - Post#125212    
    In response to MacDog

I do like the proboards user interface better than this one. Much more functionality, easier to read, etc. I would want some of the old guard (Lou and Scott, amongst others) to weigh in before making a move, especially because I think this board was created by Lou.

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
03-10-12 10:52 AM - Post#125213    
    In response to MacDog

  • MacDog Said:
Oh the old voy board - big time reference!

Yeah, but that Rivals.com board was pretty sweet.

Masters Student
Posts: 526
Reg: 02-08-07
03-10-12 11:00 AM - Post#125215    
    In response to jdp 94

The new board is up and running, everybody check it out and decide which we want to keep going. Why dont we stick with this one until our tourney game and then after that we will decide to stay or go once everyone gets a chance to look over the new new and as MacDog said have some of the more veteran members weigh in.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big

jdp 94 
Masters Student
Posts: 870
jdp 94
Loc: New York
Reg: 07-20-06
New Era, New Message Board?
03-10-12 11:06 AM - Post#125216    
    In response to loco09

Yeah, I'm done with this board. I'll be posting over there now...

I'll beg Lou's forgiveness later.

Masters Student
Posts: 437

Reg: 07-21-06
03-10-12 11:38 AM - Post#125220    
    In response to jdp 94

I prefer the clean break. Proboards for me!!!

Masters Student
Posts: 526
Reg: 02-08-07
03-10-12 11:52 AM - Post#125221    
    In response to MacDog

All right then. That works for me too. Hopefully we get everyone to cross over.
It's Not Worth Winning if You Can't Win Big

Posts: 25

Reg: 11-12-07
03-11-12 02:14 PM - Post#125292    
    In response to loco09

  • loco09 Said:
The new board is up and running, everybody check it out and decide which we want to keep going. Why dont we stick with this one until our tourney game and then after that we will decide to stay or go once everyone gets a chance to look over the new new and as MacDog said have some of the more veteran members weigh in.

You had a typo in your post. You meant to say "until after our tourney games."

Ya gotta believe!

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