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Username Post: France        (Topic#27413)
PhD Student
Posts: 1433

Loc: Brooklyn, NY
Reg: 11-21-04
08-28-23 10:55 AM - Post#357729    

Looked like an incredible trip. I am so happy our team gets to do this. It really did look like a memorable trip.

They played three inferior teams so hard to judge but they obviously looked powerful. Great to see other kids play. Biggest takeaways for me were:

Unless one of the freshmen surprise, looks like Kloman may be in the starting lineup. He shot with a lot of confidence and looked long and very good.

Lilly played the point albeit with Kimo out some. He looked the way he always does. So you wonder if he’ll start ‘at point’ with Friday out.

Erold has game and is an athlete. He was all over the court on both ends and finished. Still don’t know if he can hit threes but man I have to believe he’ll compete for a spot this year.

Ndur will contribute again this year. He can shoot and seems to spark the team when he’s out there. Love his energy - and shot-making.

Everyone who played looked better than last year. You get the sense that Nana and Anya are going to be a problem for teams. Great to see how Klores can shoot it and how Lesburt has a nice all-around game too.
LET'S go BRU-no (duh. nuh. nuh-nuh-nuh)

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