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Username Post: Tosan        (Topic#27467)
Posts: 3753

Reg: 02-05-10
03-22-24 08:22 PM - Post#366177    
    In response to gokinsmen

14pts/8reb stat line is fine, but the game became garbage time midway through the 2Q, so it doesn't mean much. Best thing was that he missed his first 3 shots from deep... then swished his last two. He's really improving in that area.

Tosan also had to defend Porzingis a ton and wasn't too successful, but that's not really on him - 7-2 jump shooters will do their thing. He did manage to avoid committing unnecessary fouls (that Princeton training).

Baby steps forward. Gotta have a breakout game or two with this opportunity. Doesn't need to be Linsanity, but enough to make an impression going forward.

Posts: 3753

Reg: 02-05-10
04-08-24 01:46 PM - Post#367117    
    In response to gokinsmen

Tosan played the maximum amount of games allowed by his two-way contract. Sounds like the Pistons liked what they saw - I can see him getting a full contract next season.

https://twitter.com/poundcoyne/status/177 672934179...

  • Quote:
No Tosan Evbuomwan tonight for Detroit vs Brooklyn, as he has reached the limit of playable games under a two-way.

Monty Williams hopes to work with him in the summer, within the program.

“I think he’s got a chance to be a rotation guy in the league”

As awful as the Pistons were, Tosan looked increasingly comfy with each game. He was the glue guy in their year-end starting lineup - making the right pass, guarding multiple positions, shooting efficiently on his minimal touches.

I can see him becoming a Kyle Anderson type, greasing the wheels for a team's stars.

Old Bear 
Posts: 4053

Reg: 11-23-04
04-08-24 06:01 PM - Post#367129    
    In response to gokinsmen

I saw him against the Celtics. He looked an awful lot skinnier. I assume that was on purpose.

Posts: 3753

Reg: 02-05-10
04-08-24 09:41 PM - Post#367138    
    In response to Old Bear

I guess that's part of the transition from PF/C in college to SF/PF in the NBA. He definitely looks more comfortable guarding wings than bigs.

Posts: 3753

Reg: 02-05-10
09-30-24 11:51 PM - Post#372530    
    In response to gokinsmen

Tosan enters Pistons training camp on another two-way deal:

https://www.freep.com/story/sports/nba/pist ons/202...

  • Quote:
Daniss Jenkins and Tosan Evbuomwan occupy the Pistons' remaining two-way slots.

His Media Day portrait:
https://www.freep.com/gcdn/authoring/author ing-ima...

There's still 1 active roster spot available, so it's possible Tosan could make it. But I suspect he'll start the year in G-League, working on his 3pt shot, until injury necessitates a callup.

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