Masters Student
Posts: 531
Age: 33
Reg: 11-11-14
02-23-24 09:45 PM - Post#363848
This isn't an exhaustive list of scenarios, just the reasonably likely ones (or least unlikely ones)
Cornell: win out OR beat Princeton and lose 1 other
Princeton: win out
Yale: win out AND (Princeton > Cornell AND Princeton loses 1 other, OR Cornell > Princeton AND Cornell loses 2 others)
Harvard: beat Brown AND (beat Penn AND Dartmouth, OR lose one of those two but Brown doesn't pull any upsets)
Brown: beat Harvard and Dartmouth AND Harvard/Columbia don't pull any upsets
Columbia: beat Penn and upset one of the big 3, AND Harvard wins at most one other game (two losses to Brown/Penn/Dartmouth)
Penn: win out AND (Harvard beats Brown and no other upsets, OR Brown beats Harvard and loses to Dartmouth and no other upsets)
Edited by whitakk on 02-23-24 09:46 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Masters Student
Posts: 724
Age: 28
Reg: 10-10-17
Re: men's seeding scenarios after 2/23 03-03-24 08:19 AM - Post#364368
In response to whitakk
The only thing left to be determined is in what order Yale and Princeton will finish. Cornell can't finish higher than third - even if they win and Y and P both lose, Princeton would win the three-way tiebreaker (best record against Brown), and Yale would almost certainly beat Cornell (best analytic ranking).
If Yale loses and Princeton wins, Princeton finishes solo first and Yale finishes second.
If both Yale and Princeton win, Princeton gets the 1 seed (best analytic ranking) and Yale gets the 2 seed.
If Yale wins and Princeton loses, Yale finishes solo first and Princeton finishes second.
Edited by iogyhufi on 03-03-24 08:24 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.