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Username Post: House v. NCAA        (Topic#28093)
PhD Student
Posts: 1366
Reg: 12-08-04
05-30-24 11:00 PM - Post#368901    
    In response to Stuart Suss

Fair points. I should have said the Alston decision made clear that restrictions on NILs, as non-educational benefits, would almost certainly be struck down, as you say.

You are also right about the statute of limitations aspect:

"The reason the back pay goes to 2016 is due to the statute of limitations — the limit on how far back certain legal claims can be addressed. For the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, there is a statute of 'four years from the date of the most recent injury,' hence the 2016-17 season cut-off which was four years prior to the NCAA allowing name, image and likeness compensation."

Posts: 4954

Reg: 02-04-06
06-17-24 02:54 PM - Post#369082    
    In response to sparman

A surprisingly sane, almost olds-school NCAA "student-athlete" perspective, from Sally Jenkins, of all people:


Posts: 9270
Loc: NW Philadelphia
Reg: 11-21-04
06-18-24 07:45 AM - Post#369087    
    In response to SRP

I’m glad she thought this through. I know I hadn’t. Think this analysis will find its way to Hanover?

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